
The Belle Spell

The Belle Spell

The ladies in the MOMs Group of Oakwood had their Fall Mixer this week, featuring a Belle of Dayton-based cocktail. Here is the recipe for this fall-in-a-glass drink. 

#100DaysOfCocktails - Day 54 - Celery Cider

#100DaysOfCocktails - Day 54 - Celery Cider

Vodka, after enjoying a robust run in the 1980's and 90's, fell sharply off the radar as the millennium approached. The lack of flavor that drove its popularity became a liability as bartenders and mixologists looked to classic cocktails for inspiration. Fewer ingredients and smaller cocktails became the norm, so every piece had to pull its weight. The Celery Cider in Saveur Magazine brings some savory flavor to vodka, creating a profile that #100DaysOfCocktails is eager to try.